Recipe Converter Calculator
Quantity can include fractions, such as: 3 1/2
Oven Temperature Conversion
Volume Conversion
NIST Metric Kitchen

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) website has helpful cooking and baking tips plus a bunch of tasty metric recipes.
Grams Are More Consistent
The density of an ingredient can vary significantly based on processing and compaction. This variation causes notable inconsistencies when measuring by cups and tablespoons.

For example, some forms of salt are more than twice as dense as other forms. A 1/4 cup of popcorn salt can contain double the salt of a 1/4 cup of coarse sea salt. Likewise, 1 cup of pressed brown sugar is about a third more sugar than 1 cup of loose brown sugar.
Weighing in grams gives you better accuracy and predictability so that variations of ingredient processing and compaction don't botch up your recipe.

Of course, the real reason that the best chefs prefer metric recipes is that weighing ingredients in a single mixing bowl using the scale's tare function means less mess and less cleanup.
Open Source
The Recipe Converter Calculator is an Open Source community project.
Data for the calculator is on GitHub in the file:
You can get involved by submitting an issue or PR (pull request) on GitHub or by posting a suggestion to the r/ThinkMetric sub on Reddit. If you post to Reddit, add the Food, Recipes & Grams flair.