Practical Ways to Go Metric
There are more Americans than you might think who want to see our great country go metric. We support the metric system because it's practical and efficient while imperial units are inefficient and hinder American economic competitiveness. Support metrication for more high-paying American jobs.
The ship sailed many years ago for the U.S. to metricate quickly from the top down the way Australia did in the 1970s. The best way to shift to metric is simply to use metric yourself. It starts with you.
For common everyday usage, you don't need to "learn" metric — just use it.
Timesaving Metric Products
Go metric to boost your efficiency

Your Personal Metrication Checklist
Set your mobile device to metric
Set the display in your car to Celsius (°C)
Set your home thermostat to Celsius (°C)
Set your refrigerator to Celsius (°C)
Set your bathroom scale to kilograms (kg)
Purchase a product for its better metric labeling
Buy a kitchen scale that displays grams (g)
Buy a metric-only tape measure
Leave a 5-star review for a good metric-only product
Post a product review showing a metric reference
Click "Helpful" for a review of a good metric-only product
Up vote a video on social media that uses only metric
Use metric units in a social media comment
Load your printer with A4 size paper
Follow a metric recipe to prepare a dish
Convert a family recipe to metric and share
Complete a DIY project using only metric
Star the think-metric project on GitHub
Join r/ThinkMetric on Reddit

- Create Product Reviews Showing Metric References
- The Digital World is Not Made for Imperial Fractions
- Eiffel Tower Units
- Fractions are a Royal Pain in Imperial
- Go Fast With High Contrast Metric-Only Tape Measures
- How to Switch Your Mobile Device to Metric
- Liberty Units FTW!
- Metric Poetry
- Metrication is the Path of Least Resistance
- The Millimeter Standard War
- A Pint Is Not a Unit of Measurement
- Review a Quality Metric-Only Product
- The Rules

About the Project
Think Metric is an Open Source project, and the content we create is published under the CC0 license. CC0 is the permissive Creative Commons License for public domain work with "No Rights Reserved".
We promote metric units for casual everyday use in America. Our goal is to speed up metrication to boost America's economic competitiveness and generate more good manufacturing jobs.
Everyone interested in advocating for metrication is welcome to participate in the Think Metric project.